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In-lesson Tools


Standout Teaching recognising that delivery is just as important as high quality lesson planning. To support both the teacher and students, we have developed a range of support materials and strategies to help. Please take time to view our suggestions below that help to facilitate lessons:

Lesson Doughnuts- A simple, sequenced approach to planning that focusses on timings and how these support student related activities. Lesson Doughnuts can also be shared as an in-lesson timer so that students can see the structure and progress of the lesson.

Lesson Infographics- A visual way of representation the plan of the lesson activities and how these are linked together to show support learning. Aimed to support the teacher with delivery and also to communicate to students what and how they will be learning. 

Lesson Planning App- Our lesson planning app is not only designed to support planning but also to perfect delivery. The apps built in timers, for both individual tasks and the full lesson, will ensure that you follow you planned timings and activities to the letter of your plan.
