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Micro Activities


Micro activities are bite sized chunks of learning based around active learning. Fitting in with the Student 1st model of Teaching and learning it’s an approach that focusses on the approach of Micro learning-

Tell me show me

Focussing on the participatory aspects of the ‘Learning Pyramid’ (discussion, practice by doing & teaching others) micro activities are designed to maximise the quality and depth of learning taking place and moves away from teaching towards learning:Teaching vs learning
Learning Pyramid



Micro activities also contribute towards designing your lessons so that they are student centred, taking the approach from the 70-20-10 learning & development model (Center for Creative Leadership Morgan McCall, Michael M. Lombardo and Robert A. Eichinger) to apply the following structure which reflects the Student First Teaching approach:

70 20 10 description

So how do you put all this together to create Micro Activities? Apply the same 70-20-10 principal to your activities-





To facilitate this consider how you prepare your resources to support using the Micro learning thought process-

  • Concise resources
  • One point at a time
  • Substitute words where possible by using media
  • Pull; allow opportunity to ‘pull’ (choose) which resources to use and when
  • Pull learning



Before creating your resource try planning, how often do you think through what the aim of the resource is and how it will be used? To support you use the 70-20-10 planning template.

You should now be ready to put the resources together to support your student task. Remember that with micro learning it is about being concise.
