Standout Teaching provides a holistic approach to lesson planning. This centralised, easy to access bank of strategies, resources and tools ensures planning achieves high levels of engagement and learning. To support this, Standout Teaching provides a range of tools and guidance.
Based upon research from Maine Educational Laboratories, the Student 1st Teaching approach places pupils at the centre of learning allowing the teacher to facilitate. Standout Teaching provides a range of teaching and learning strategies and planning tools that ensures consistent, high quality, engaging lessons thorough structured planning.
Developed from the ‘sketch notes’ principal, sketch lesson planning is a structured, quick to use, yet detailed approach to planning. Sketch lesson planning guides teachers through the note making process of planning and encourages reflective thinking to ensure lessons contain all the key teaching and learning strategies to ensure learning is maximised.
Planning, coaching and resourcing of lessons can now be accessed within a quick, easy to use app for phones or tablets. The lesson planning app allows teacher to plan the structure of their lesson, add resources from the Standout Teaching library, receive supportive feedback using the built in coaching facility and then email a completed plan.
Within the demanding world of teaching it can be challenging to find the time and place to receive valuable feedback. To address this, at Standout Teaching we provide simple, to the point guidance eBooks related to every aspect of planning, along with our unique built in coaching facility which is available when using the planning app and online lesson planning tool.