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Connect- ‘Connect Codes’

Students will have had their work assessed for literacy using a set of codes. They are to look at the marking and then correct their work according to the feedback that they have received.

Support student identification of errors within their work with simple, clear codes related to literacy.
Launch Resource

The aim of this exercise is to give students a head start as to where they have made literacy errors.
The Connect Codes are simple symbols which can be used to identify what type of errors have occurred within a written text. By placing them at the beginning of the line of text containing the errors it pinpoints the general location for students to focus on.
The aim of active assessment is to support students in correcting their own errors and as such the codes can be used to identify the location of errors by –
Generally- By placing the code at the start of the line
Specifically- By placing the code at the location of the error (hence giving a higher level of support)
Informatively- By placing the code on the page (hence giving a higher level of challenge)
The codes are deigned to be used at any point within the lesson or as part of teacher assessment.


Instructions: [Download]

Connect Codes: [Download]

Connect Codes