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I’m the Teacher GAP

Around the room is a range of tasks for students to visit and undertake. Each task has GAP applied to differentiate and challenge the students. Students will have 5 minutes to complete each task.

Main lesson activity in which the pupils follow a carousel of 5 minute activities set up around the classroom.

Launch Resource

The aim of this resource is to set up tasks around the room. Pupils will visit each task card and complete the tasks.
Each task should be designed to be carried out independently by the pupil within 5 minutes. (A reusable timer is available on the resource).
For the tasks complete the ‘TASK’ worksheet supplied. These will be placed around the room.
You may wish to make some task sheets into assessment sheets so pupils can self assess.
This carousel can be carried out as individuals or groups.
To help pupils track their progress you will need to complete and issue a checklist for them to use. The template for this is supplied.
Don’t have an interactive whiteboard….
Use a stopwatch to time each activity and countdown how long is left.

Instructions (GAP): [Download]
Task Sheet:

Im the teacher GAP