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Students roll a plenary dice and complete the task that it lands on (tasks on each side of the dice). They have 3 minutes to complete the task. They then repeat as directed.

Add variety to your lesson with an interactive plenary activity where pupils in groups use dice to select their task.

Launch Resource

Pupils can work in small groups on this simple plenary.
Each group is supplied with a plenary dice (you will need to print and assemble the dice supplied with the resource).
Pupils will then complete the task from the dice that it lands on.
This task does not have to be restricted to just one role of the dice and each task can be timed to ensure pace to the plenary. (A 3 minute reusable timer is supplied on the resource).
Don’t have an interactive whiteboard….
Use a stopwatch to time each activity and countdown how long is left.

Instructions: [Download]

Plenary Dice