Deliver a whole school strategy to support typicality in teaching and learning, that embeds high quality lesson planning, provides effective teaching strategies and develops student independence.
Available for a limited period, you can receive a complimentary download of our Lesson Planning App designed to support effective, student centred lessons.
You can also take advantage of a 30 day trial of our website. Explore our range of T&L strategies and try the online resources and tools to see how you can support your colleagues in planning and delivering successful lessons.
If you like what you see we will extend your initial trial to 6 months for you and 5 other colleagues so you can see the impact that the strategies and resources can have within your school.
Read our case study outlining how one school rapidly improved teaching and learning resulting in a successful Ofsted inspection
Take a look at the packages on offer from Standout Teaching to support your drive towards successful lessons
Contact us to discuss further how Standout Teaching can help your school achieve engaging lessons that support outstanding student progress
“An essential resource with streams of ideas and theories around the concepts of teaching and learning”
Nick M- School leadership, large secondary comprehensive, Worcestershire
“Teaching and Learning Strategies that will change your teaching and students’ learning forever. And what’s more, they are easy to implement and very student friendly. I can’t recommend these strategies enough for enhanced student progression”
Debbie A- School leadership, medium secondary comprehensive, Birmingham