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How to ‘Connect’ to literacy



The aim of ‘Connect’ is to give you a clear structure for how you deliver literacy within your lessons. As with all of Standout Teachings strategies the focus is placed onto the student taking control of their own literacy learning. This section of the site explores some important aspects related to literacy as well as giving recommendations on how to package your literacy strategy and how to use the ‘Connect’ techniques.



Would you like to know more about ‘Connect’? Then please download our e-book.



‘Connect’ is our strategy for developing literacy skills within the classroom. Focussed on using a consistent, student centred approach to teaching literacy, ‘Connect’ will help you to integrate effective literacy techniques at each stage of your lesson.



‘Connect’ is centred on having a consistent approach to literacy which students can take ownership of. Use our ‘Connect’ branding to support student interaction with the various skills.



‘Active Assessment’ is the next step on from traditional assessment of literacy skills. Designed to develop student awareness of how to identify and correct literacy mistakes, this approach is essential for placing the students at the heart of learning.



‘Connect’ formulas are common teaching strategies often used by literacy rich subjects. Take a look at these fantastic tools to ensure high quality written work and to support the development of your students literacy skills.



The ‘Connect Mat’ is one of the most successful and adaptable resources within the Connect toolkit. Download and adapt accordingly to help support your students extended written work.